windows7 执行vagrant up 提示powershell版本过低的解决方法
错误信息: The version of powershell currently installed on this host is less than th…
错误信息: The version of powershell currently installed on this host is less than th…
LARAVEL HOMESTEAD OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 10054 搭建laravel官方的开…
runhiddenconsole 下载…
nginx测试配置文件的有效性,是否合法,有没有语法错误等 nginx -t
laravel 框架在.env文件中使用变量的方法 APP_NAME=LARAVEL APP_NEW_NAME=${APP_NAME} env(‘A…
centos怎么查看是什么版本的呢,是centos 7 还是6呢。 cat /etc/redhat-release